Learn the Basics of Thermoplastic Elastomer Gloves: What You Need To Know

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is a material that is similar to a rubbery sort of plastic, but much stronger and more durable. They’re also known as thermoplastic elastomeric or TPE gloves because they’re made from the same stuff that makes up rubber. A thermoplastic elastomer is in a lot of our daily products, from athletic shoes to inflatable pool toys. It's an ideal material for making soft and flexible materials like these gloves because it can be stretched over an unlimited amount of space without breaking. All these properties make TPE gloves an excellent option for occupational settings like manufacturing plants and food processing facilities. What is a Thermoplastic Elastomer Glove? TPE is a silicone-based polymer that’s used to make a variety of different products and materials. However, TPE is also found in healthcare products and food packaging. The reason that it’s so common in healthcare products is that it’s used to make hypoallergenic gloves. Different Types of Thermo...